Thursday 5 February 2015

Gran Torino task. Peer assessment.

First, a nice little animation created using Photoshop and Flash software to start us off.

Learning objectives:

1) To grade each other's submitted task which deals with genre conventions used in the trailer for the feature film Gran Torino.

1) Complete and proof read the Gran Torino (connotations/denotations) task set.
2) Swap documents with partner and give grades and comments based on this marking criteria:

Knowledge of the concept of visual codes and conventions;
Costume, facial expression, colour, body language, graphics /20.

Knowledge of the concept of technical codes and conventions
Framing, lighting /20.

Knowledge of audience targeting. /20
Has appeal to audiences been stated?
For example, 'the film will appeal to fans of Clint Eastwood'.

Use of Media Studies terminology. /20
Does the homework use the right language? Connotations, implies, close up, wide shot, sans serif...

Quality of written communication./20
How legible is the writing? Have proper sentences been used?


2) To complete the assessment for learning document demonstrating which level of learning you have reached in Media Studies. Mark with an X.

Assessment for Learning.
Media Studies Year 10


I have evaluated some aspect of my final product.

I have evaluated many aspects of my final product.

I have used a simple evaluation technique to assess my final product

I have used sophisticated evaluation techniques to evaluate my final product.

I can recognise genre correctly through the inclusion of iconography, visual and technical codes.

I can identify hybrid and sub genres when applied to texts

I can describe intertextuality within texts and how it is used to appeal to audiences

I can evaluate the
relationship between organisational and audience/user needs through generic conventions.

I can recognise narrative structure through shot types
and the role of editing.

I can identify
narrative structures based on theory of equilibrium.

I can describe
character functions within narratives.

I can evaluate
implied narratives – visual organisation, hierarchies and compositional codes.

I can recognise
what makes representations - images plus points of view about them

I can identify
stereotypes and representations - processes of categorisation, identification and recognition

I can describe
the way events and issues are represented in the media.

I can evaluate
the processes of 're-presenting' mediated versions of the 'real' world

I can recognise
the ways in which media organisations market, promote and brand themselves

I can identify the
use of stars/celebrities in marketing, for example celebrity endorsement

I can describe
cross-media campaigns

I can evaluate
audience ratings

and Control

I can recognise
how different types of media are regulated and controlled

I can identify
the reasons for media regulation and control and the problems of regulating

I can describe
the way individuals can manage their own media.

I can evaluate
Scheduling techniques for example the watershed on television
Audiences and Users

I can recognise
ways of categorising audiences/users using NRS categories.

I can identify
how audiences are targeted, appealed to and positioned.

I can describe
audience/user response issues such as everyday uses and pleasures

I can evaluate
the different ways audiences and users interpret and interact with a variety of media.

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