Thursday 3 December 2015

Representation of age task

Learning objective:
To analyse a video clip and explore how age has been represented.

Key terms:
Stereotype - A generalisation of a group of people, event or place.
Conform - to use the usual, familiar genre conventions to construct a representation 
Challenge - to use unfamiliar genre conventions to construct a representation

When considering age representation in a clip, you should be thinking about the following :
  • Can I identify what approximate age the characters are?
  • Are people from different age groups shown as having different interests,       personalities, attitudes, behaviours?  If so, how?
  • Is their age represented as being important in their life?
  • Are people from particular age groups portrayed as being better, more powerful, than others?
  • Are people from particular age groups portrayed as being abnormal /weaker/ more pathetic than others? 
  • How do other characters in the clip treat the characters from different age groups?
  • What is the message the clip is trying to portray about age?

Task 1: Watch this video clip and write a paragraph (200 words) about how age has been represented
Use the questions above to help.

 Task 2: How would you say youth represented in this still from Waterloo Road? Consider the visual codes we have covered.

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