Monday 25 April 2016

Film Trailers and Narrative Structure

To interpret the film trailer for The Gift through narrative structure and identify narrative codes.

Task 1: Use the template below to identify how the trailer structure uses Todorov's theory of Linear narrative.

Task 2: Use the template below to identify how the trailer uses trailer conventions.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Film stars - Star profile, Jennifer Aniston

To interpret how film stars can be beneficial to the film industry through a case study of Jennifer Aniston.

Early TV success

Focus on her private life

Brand endorsement

Film roles linked to comedy genre

Promotional interviews and appearances

More film roles linked to comedy genre

Trailers/Posters: The benefits of stars to the industry.

L.O: To explore the role of stars within the film industry through trailers and posters

  • Stars over time build a fan base and so draw audiences to a film in which they appear. 
  • Stars are often linked to particular genres and roles so this can act as a form of shorthand in marketing materials ‒ audiences like things that they are familiar with, things they have experienced before.
  • Stars will have been in previously successful films and therefore act as a quality marker giving assurance to audiences. The film must be good if…

Task 1: 
Study the trailers below. Write down five aspects of Tom Cruise’s star image.
What roles does he seem to play?
What types of films might you expect him to be in?
What are the key character traits evident across the roles?

Task 2:
Benefits of stars to the industry?
Write down three ways in which stars can be used by the film industry.

Trailers: Iconography, settings and characters



L.O: Research the posters and watch the trailers for the following films and suggest potential audiences for each one. Suggestions are provided. Create a table like the one also provided.

  • Fault in our Stars
  • Tammy
  • Boyhood

Film Trailers and Marketing

L.O: Consider how Key scenes, voice overs, audio codes, intertitles, narrative codes, iconography and editing are used to promote films within trailers.

A. Marketing aims to raise awareness of a film’s release.
I. Create interest in the film itself.
D. Generate desire to see the film 
A. and action in the purchasing of a cinema ticket. [AIDA]

When you consider trailers as a marketing tool we use the Four P's

  • Product (The film itself that needs to be sold to audiences.)
  • Placement (When in the year a film is released: e.g. summer blockbusters in the summer, horror films during October, family films during holiday periods – Christmas/bank holiday weekends.)
  • Promotion (The ways in which films are marketed: trailers, posters, TV trailer spots, merchandise, tie-ins, websites.)
  • Publicity (Interviews/TV appearances, press releases, articles, reviews.)
Task 1: Research the following key concepts to do with film trailers and write the definitions giving specific examples from film trailers on THIS post.

  • Key scenes, 
  • voice overs, 
  • audio codes, 
  • intertitles, 
  • narrative codes, 
  • iconography 
  • and editing

What is the function of trailer features? How are they used to promote the film?
Task 2: Watch a trailer of your choice from this selection and answer the following questions.

Trailers - Learning Checkpoint

L.O: To identify film trailer conventions in the trailer for Godzilla and to discuss audience positioning.

Task 1: Watch the following trailer then answer the questions below. Orange books and write in full sentences. Use this blog to research your answers. Be sure to use Media terminology.