Thursday 14 April 2016

Film Trailers and Marketing

L.O: Consider how Key scenes, voice overs, audio codes, intertitles, narrative codes, iconography and editing are used to promote films within trailers.

A. Marketing aims to raise awareness of a film’s release.
I. Create interest in the film itself.
D. Generate desire to see the film 
A. and action in the purchasing of a cinema ticket. [AIDA]

When you consider trailers as a marketing tool we use the Four P's

  • Product (The film itself that needs to be sold to audiences.)
  • Placement (When in the year a film is released: e.g. summer blockbusters in the summer, horror films during October, family films during holiday periods – Christmas/bank holiday weekends.)
  • Promotion (The ways in which films are marketed: trailers, posters, TV trailer spots, merchandise, tie-ins, websites.)
  • Publicity (Interviews/TV appearances, press releases, articles, reviews.)
Task 1: Research the following key concepts to do with film trailers and write the definitions giving specific examples from film trailers on THIS post.

  • Key scenes, 
  • voice overs, 
  • audio codes, 
  • intertitles, 
  • narrative codes, 
  • iconography 
  • and editing

What is the function of trailer features? How are they used to promote the film?
Task 2: Watch a trailer of your choice from this selection and answer the following questions.

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