Thursday 4 June 2015

Assessment task

Year 10 GCSE Media Studies.

Answer the following questions in your orange books.
This is an assessment task but you may use the Media studies blog to help with your answers. No talking!

1. What types of film posters are there?

2. What are the visual codes used on film posters?

3. What is iconography and why is it used?

4. What do we mean by the term stereotype?

5. What do we mean by taglines? Write two well known taglines used to promote feature films.

6. Write down as many elements of film posters as you can.

7. How do audiences keep up to date with their favourite celebrities?

8. State the five stages of Todorov’s equilibrium theory

9. Write down as many characters as set out by Propp.

10. What are the four reasons that audiences will consume a media text according to the Uses and Gratification theory.

11. Write down the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

12. Write and/or draw three camera shot types used in film trailers and say why they have been used.

Year 10 Written task success criteria
Knowledge of the concept of genre/narrative/representation
Awareness of relevant theories
Demonstrates knowledge of the convergent nature of contemporary media
Use of media terminology/key words
Quality of written communication

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