Monday 29 June 2015

Textual Investigation 1 - Update

Learning objective: 
To bring textual investigation 1 which is based on genre up to date by implementing feedback.

Key terms: 


Task 1:
Complete the handout tasks you were given yesterday.

Task 2: 
Continue with your textual Investigation.
1 - Put the feedback you have received in place on the Word document that is your T. I.
2 - Write about the codes and conventions that have been used on your text.

3 - Email the latest version of your textual investigation to Mr Ealey at the end of the lesson for feedback.

At this stage you should have the following in place for the first piece of gcse coursework:

  • A definition of genre (reference this)
  • An introductory paragraph
(set out what you are going to be writing about in the essay and what you are going to be comparing your main text with. This part should also include an illustration of your text.)

  • A paragraph about audiences which can include:
  • A discussion of the target audience for your text. Not the product your text is promoting.
  • Audience categorisation (NRS)
  • Age rating - PEGI for example - say why the text has been categorised, is it to protect children from harmful content?

  • A paragraph about the iconography which is used for your specific genre and the iconography within the specific text you are investigating.

  • A short paragraph about representation
  • What type of characters do audiences expect from this genre?
  • Compare your text with other texts and discuss the characters an audience would expect.

  • A discussion of the codes and conventions used on your poster. For this you should refer to the work you did when analysing the promotional poster for Bridesmaids.
  • Consider including a sentence about the following:
  •  Quotes, mark of quality, mode of address, expert witnesses, star ratings, colour codes, costume, body language.
  • NOTE: If your text does not include some of the above conventions you should say why this is and compare with a text that does include the conventionsInclude an illustration of the text you are comparing with.
  • Summarise; does your text challenge or conform to genre conventions?

The next issue you need to address are the cast and crew involved with your text.
Indicate who the important production people are and anything successful they may have worked on
Research and discuss the budgets of the other productions in comparison with the text you are writing about.
Say why the audience would expect certain things from your text because of past productions the cast and crew have been involved with.


Typography in textual investigations

Learning objective: To continue with textual Investigation 1 by discussing the lettering on your text.

Key terms: Serif, sans serif, formal, dynamic, decorative, reflects, connotations of, challenges, conforms.

You need to discuss the typography on the print based text that you are investigating.
1. Say what lettering is suited to the genre you are dealing with.

  • This Psychological thriller/horror genre is suited to the broken lettering of the promotional poster for the Alfred Hitchcock film 'Psycho'.

2. Show and discuss an example of a text from the same genre that uses that kind of lettering.

  • The designer Saul Bass created this poster for a psychological thriller film again directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock. The type has connotations of dizziness which is an important element of the film's narrative.

3. Show text from another genre that uses another specific font style.

  • A period drama for example may use a decorative, serif font. This has connotations of flamboyance which the audience would also expect from the music and the costumes in a period drama.

4. Let the moderator know that you are aware of the impact of lettering on print based texts for attracting an audience and say what the audience expectations will be because of the lettering.
You could include images of different fonts that have varying connotations of genre.
Horror, Rom-Com, Sci-fi etc

  • Below is an example of font analysis that a student submitted as part of their research for GCSE Media Studies:

5. If the organisations, cast or crew have produced or been involved with a text from the same genre then show evidence that with an illustration.

  • These Adam Sandler film posters are both colourful and reflect the comedic nature of the texts.

6. If you can, state who designed the poster and specifically the lettering.

  • For example, Saul Bass also designed the poster for the Hitchcock film Frenzy.

7. In conclusion, say if you think the text you are investigating challenges or conforms to genre conventions through the use of lettering.
Consider colour connotations


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