Monday 22 February 2016


Learning objective:
To assess my Media Studies coursework submission using the correct format and terminology.

Evaluations are worth 10 marks.
The following areas need to be explained:

Have you met your aims and purposes?
  • How have you used the appropriate codes and conventions of your chosen texts?
  • For example, does your lifestyle magazine front cover look like similar products?
  • Have you used representation? For example, if you have created a CD cover and insert for a new band, how have you represented the style of music? Font, band name, images, colours.
  • How have you used narrative? Enigmas etc
  • How does the work appeal to audiences?
  • How would your work be distributed?

Be sure to clearly express your viewpoints. Say where and why your work has been successful or unsuccessful.

The evaluation will be 300 - 500 words in length.

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