Thursday 25 February 2016

Identifying posters

Learning objective: To identify film posters and the genre of the films through their iconography

  • Film posters are often iconic – achieved through the use of a key image, memorable tag line or iconic typography
  • Film posters capture the essence of a film
  • Posters establish the genre of a film
  • Posters trigger narrative interest
  • A poster should tell the story in 30 seconds
  • Posters form a connection with the audience
  • Successful posters capture the audience’s imagination and encourage viewers to see the film
Task 1: 
Identify the films from the parts of the posters shown below. Orange books.
Write how you can recognise the films.

Task 2:

Study the posters here. What are the key features of film posters – the shared codes and conventions? Identify the genre for each film. What iconography has been used? 
Make a list for each of the posters using key terms.

Film Poster sizes and layouts

Task 3: Suggest the advantages and disadvantages for each of these poster positions.


Raiders of the Lost Ark uses the iconography of the action adventure film with the iconic hat of the main character and the stereotypical character roles.
Alien uses colour to convey the genre but here and does not give too much away about the film’s narrative but it is the tagline 'In space no one can here you scream' that has captured audiences’ imaginations.
Titanic [which was the highest grossing film of all time from its 1997 cinema release until director James Cameron broke his own record with Avatar] is clearly packaged and sold here as a romance/tragedy – at the time its potential for commercial success was unknown as the stars were not huge, and the target market was specifically adults.

  • Film posters are often iconic – achieved through the use of a key image, memorable tag line or iconic typography
  • Film posters capture the essence of a film
  • Posters establish the genre of a film
  • Posters trigger narrative interest
  • A poster should tell the story in 30 seconds
  • Posters form a connection with the audience
  • Successful posters capture the audience’s imagination and encourage viewers to see the film

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