Thursday 25 February 2016

Film posters and target audiences.

Learning objective: To compare target audiences for different genres of film through analysis of the promotional posters.

Key terms:

Every media text has a target audience.

These audiences may be large (mainstream) or smaller (niche). 

The media text will use different approaches to attract an audience and to create appeal.

What do you think those approaches are?

Task 1: Suggest a target audience for each of the films below and give reasons.


Task 2:Look at the different elements in the table and comment on the purpose and effect of each.


Task 3: How does the poster for Mission Impossible create appeal for audiences?

  • star appeal – recognition acts as a quality marker; 
  • recognition of other actors – Simon Pegg whose appearance in this film will appeal to some audiences and fans of Simon Pegg;
  • familiarity with franchise;
  • visual codes promise action scenes – genre codes;
  • the tag line creates an enigma and expectations of intense scenes;
  • the film is in IMAX – promise of spectacle – a cinematic experience;
  • the budget is presumed high – again a form of reassurance;
  • the poster design is novel/unusual which creates a dynamic effect and echoes the promised intensity of the film.

Task 4:  How does the poster for ------------ create appeal for audiences?

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