Tuesday 26 August 2014

Exploring narrative 1 - Todorov (Persil, Wallace and Gromit)

Learning Objective: 
You will use key theorists to analyse media texts. The Simpsons.

Key words: 
Chronological: This is a narrative where the events are shown in the order in which they happened from beginning to end.
Enigmas: These are mysteries or puzzles in the narrative. Enigmas keep the audience interested in the narrative.

In Media Studies, it is important to tell the difference between story and narrative
Story = a sequence of events, known correctly as the plot
Narrative = the way those events are put together to be presented to an audience.
Therefore, when analysing a narrative we analyse the construction of the story ie the way it has been put together, not the story itself. You also need to consider what the story is about in its most basic terms, ie the theme (eg Love, war, winning).
All media texts have a narrative, whether they are a six hour TV miniseries or a one paragraph newspaper story or a glossy magazine photograph.
Whatever text you study, you will investigate how it is structured and put together. All media texts tell stories, both factual and fictional. In media studies, narraitive means 'the way a text unfolds to its audience'.
For example; a woman's magazine has an obvious front cover followed by a contents page, they have horoscopes towards the back and there is usually an advert on the back cover.

Linear Narratives: This way of structuring was noiticed by the theorist Todorov  Born: March 1, 1939 when he researched Fairy Tales and traditional stories. He discovered that stories move forward in a chronological order with one action following after another. 
There is a clear beginning, a middle and an end.
All narratives follow a three part structure. They begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibrium is restored. A New equilibrium.

Non Linear Narratives: In this type of structure, the narrative might move backwards and forwards in time. Techniques like flashbacks or flash forwards may be used.

Some genres regularly use a non linear structure, sports programmes like Match of the Day move backwards and forwards from the live studio to matches played earlier that day.

Circular narratives begin at the end of the story.

Media texts use a range of narrative techniques to hold the attention of the audience. Some narratives have several narrative strands and the audience has to work harder to understand what is happening.

Codes such as flashbacks and enigmas can make the text more interesting.

Todorov's Five Narrative Stages

1. Equilibrium – the setting is established, key character(s) are introduced and
the storyline has begun to be set up.

2. This is then followed by a disruption whereby an oppositional character(s)
appear and the story takes a particular direction

3. Then there is recognition of disruption, in that the lives of characters and
events are interwoven. Tension builds throughout this section, which is often
the longest.

4. An attempt to repair the disruption is at the highest point of tension within
the film after which there is a change in the dynamic.

5. Finally, there is a re-instatement of equilibrium where matters are sorted
out, problems are solved and questions are answered. The equilibrium can be
described as new as the story has been resolved but the events have
possibly changed people.


In the animated feature film Toy Story the events would be seen as: 
1. Woody being the leader of a group of toys. 
2. Buzz Lightyear arrives. 
3. Sid picking them up with “The Claw” and trying to destroy them. 
4. Woody and Buzz try to escape with the rocket. 
5. Woody and the toys have Christmas in Andy’s new home.


Task one (Homework): Apply Todorov to this short animation, Wallace and Gromit - The Wrong Trousers.

Task two (Homework): Apply Todorov's theory of equilibrium to this print based ad for soap powder:

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