Tuesday 26 August 2014

17 Film Trailers and Audience 2 - demographics

  • You will create a Spider Diagram which describes characters seen in film trailers investigated in class.
Key words: Audience appeal, income, age, gender, location

How media producers and texts construct audiences and users.

Constructing Audience

When a media text is being planned, perhaps the most important question the producers consider is "Does it have an audience?" 
If the answer to this is 'no', then there is no point in going any further. 
If no one is going to watch/read/play/buy the text, the producers aren't going to make any money or get their message across. 
Audience research is a major part of any media company's work. They use questionnaires, focus groups, and comparisons to existing media texts, and spend a great deal of time and money finding out if there is anyone out there who might be interested in their idea.
It's a serious business; media producers basically want to know the

of their potential audience, a method of categorising known as demographics.
Once they know this they can begin to shape their text to appeal to a group with known reading/viewing/listening habits.

Creating Audience

Once a media text has been made, its producers need to ensure that it reaches the audience it is intended for. All media texts will have some sort of marketing campaign attached to them. Elements of this might include
print, radio, TV and internet advertisements
promotional interviews (eg stars appearing on chat shows, information leaked to Internet bloggers)
tie-in campaigns (eg a blockbuster movie using McDonalds meals)
merchandising (t-shirts, baseball caps, key rings)
Marketing campaigns are intended to create awareness of a media text. 
Once that awareness has been created, hopefully audiences will come flocking in their hundreds of millions.

Film trailers are just a part of the marketing campaign for a film.

Task 1:
Create a spider diagram for each of the following trailers. The centre of each spider diagram should have the title of the film. Four branches should indicate each of  income, age, gender, location.

A) Friends

B) The Woman in Black

C) Big Hero 6

Orange books. Coloured pencils.

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