Monday 25 August 2014

Media Organisations. IPSO

  • conflicts between individual freedoms and media organisations 
  • the personal, social and ethical dimensions of online environments. 

Independent Press Standards Organisation.

Replaced the PPC 8 September 2014 

IPSO is the new independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK. We uphold the highest standards of journalism by monitoring and maintaining the standards set out in the Editors' Code of Practice, and provide support and redress for individuals seeking to complain about breaches of the Code.

The idea of privacy has changed over time in somewhat similar fashion to that of ideas
concerning taste and decency. 
The development of a ‘surveillance society’ has loosened expectations of privacy. 

The spread of video technologies of image capture means that people are now used to being filmed at public gatherings. 
CCTV cameras – generally welcomed by the  public as a means of enhancing personal safety – are also important here. 
The upshot is that the notion of the private, or where intrusion was not expected, has largely  shrunk to the home. 

Task 1: 
Research the story published in the Daily Mail newspaper, see below.
How did it breach the Editor's code?
What was the result of Jon Danzig's investigation.
Write 200 words in your orange books under the title. 

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