Tuesday 26 August 2014

Exploring Representation 1 Signs (Rep of Youth slide)

  • Learning objective. To explore ways in which the media uses representation.
Key words: Denotation, connotation, stereotypes, construction, Dyer, 

Media gcse-representation from aealey

Denotation, connotation, signifiers.

The denotation of the sign is very simple: there is a figure of a walking man with a red line drawn across it, and then enclosed in a red circle.
The connotation of the red circle and line is easy too: danger. Combine the red graphic with the figure of the man and you can conclude that it's forbidden to walk here because you will put yourself in danger or break some kind of rules. You've probably seen this kind of sign in lots of different places, and haven't really thought about how you know what it means.
The preferred reading of this sign is "No Entry" or "No Pedestrians". Cars might be permitted in this area, but it would depend where the sign was placed. This is where the context of a sign becomes important, as it also contributes to the meaning. If this sign was placed in an area where the sexes were segregated, it could mean "No Men" or "Women Only". If it was used in a galaxy far away where lots of different alien species were wandering around, it could mean "No humans past this point". All these meanings are connotations suggested by deeper consideration of what the sign might mean, and a willingness to accept that the sign might have more than one meaning.
Most media texts rely on a range of signs and symbols, all of which must be decoded to unlock the full meaning of the text. We're used to only spending a few seconds glancing at posters, ads, magazine front covers etc. Media Studies requires you to spend longer looking deeper.

Homework task: See slide 8. 

What is the signified meaning? Is the signified meaning symbolic?
200 words e-mail to Mr Ealey. 
Signifier and Signified 

Year 10 Written task success criteria

Knowledge of the concept of genre/narrative/representation

Awareness of relevant theories

Demonstrates knowledge of the convergent nature of contemporary media

Use of media terminology/key words

Quality of written communication

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