Monday 25 August 2014

Media Habits?

  • You will choose a Media text that you are familiar with and consider why you like it.
Key Terms: 
This is type of media text that is easily recognisable to audiences.

This is the time and day that a programme appears on the television.

Target audience.
The people at whom the media text is aimed.

Write a diary of your day exploring when and where you are exposed to different media texts. Include things you may just see in passing for example film ads on the side of the bus.
'I listen to the radio in the morning' will not suffice.
Write down the station, programme, presenter.


By now you should have a document which indicates three texts from each Media Industry and you should have written how the texts can be consumed.
Finish this work before moving on.

In addition you should have a document indicating the amount of time you have spent consuming the texts indicated on the homework sheet.

You should also have, in your orange books, a list of three of your favourite Media texts.
Choose one and write a paragraph on why you like it. Imagine that you are trying to persuade someone else to watch/read/play or listen to it.

By doing these tasks you are starting to think about audiences. Their likes and dislikes.
Studying audiences is very important in Media Studies. Without them there wouldn't be any Media.

For HOMEWORK you should interview someone older than yourself ask them about their media habits. What do they watch or listen to on any given day or week? What platforms do they use? iPads, TV, Smartphones, etc.

Bring this with you on Monday.

Today you need to complete the STUDENT VOICE document which is in your orange book at the back. If you finish this you should complete the work above.

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