Tuesday 26 August 2014

Textual Investigation 1 F

Learning objective: To continue to write your Textual Investigation and receive feedback as you go.

Key words: NRS. Uses and Gratifications. Maslow.

You should by the end of this lesson, have made a start on your first textual investigation which is based on genre.

In the header of your TI you need to have:

Candidate name: (your name) GCSE Media Studies
Candidate number: (your number-leave blank if you don't know)
Centre name: De La Salle Academy.
Centre number: 34251

At the top of the first page you should have the title of your TI which you take from the list of three titles and includes the text you are investigating.
This should be in bold and underlined.

Insert page numbers at the bottom right of each page.

The first paragraph should introduce the text you are going to analyse, say when it was released, who is the production company, you could mention the main characters if it is a film.


Audience for Textual Investigation 1

The exemplar work we looked at discussed audience.
You need to show that you know who the target audience are for the product your text is promoting.
Define the audience through
NRS categories
say why they are interested through Uses and gratifications theory
Say why they would consume that product using Maslow's hierarchy.
Use media language; is this a mass or niche audience?

The tasks you completed yesterday should help you to do the task below which can be included in your Textual Investigation.
Be specific, discuss the text you are dealing with in relation to the answers you put down on the handouts.

Task 1:
Write a paragraph on the audience for your TI (100 - 200 words)

Who is the target audience for the text? Say why. NRS-U&GT.
Where would the promotional material be seen by the target audience?
What are the audience expectations of the text?
Do they expect it to be successful based on other productions distributed or including the actors involved.
How have the audience been targeted? Maslow.

This is also a homework task and needs to be submitted by email BEFORE Thursday's lesson.

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