Tuesday 26 August 2014

Controlled Assessment - Approaching Production

Learning Objective: 
To learn about the controlled assessment and to consider some examples of other students work.

Key words: 
Research, Planning, Production, Evaluation

Your GCSE coursework is made up of four elements:
  • Research - 10 marks
  • Planning - 10 marks
  • Production - 50 marks
  • Evaluation - 10 marks
Add to this the two textual investigations you will produce at 20 marks each and the coursework makes up a substantial 60% of your grade.

This is from WJEC the awarding body:
Audio and Audio-visual productions may be completed collaboratively by groups of up to four. Each individual must take a significant and definable role. Individuals must be primarily responsible for one of the following: camerawork or editing.

Look at the marking criteria for the production aspects of your coursework.
You should be aiming for level 3 or level 4.

Task 1: 
Using the handouts provided, grade the short films below and write and explanation as to why you have awarded the grade. The things you need to consider are:
  • Genre conventions like iconography
  • Technical codes
  • Visual codes
  • Representation
  • Narrative
Prod 1

Prod 2

Prod 3

Prod 4

Prod 5

Submit your grades and comments to Mr Ealey at the end of the lesson.

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