Tuesday 26 August 2014

17 Film Trailers and Audience 3 Maslow

Learning Objective:
  • You will carry out an investigation into why certain film trailers are attractive to certain audiences by applying Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Key Words: Needs, motivation, target audiences

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a theory which suggests that there are 5 stages that people go through in life. 

The theory says that at each stage we have different motivations to drive us. 
If we apply these stages to media then we can use them to try to understand the motivations behind how media companies target audiences.

Task 1: 
List the 5 stages illustrated below into your orange books on the left hand side of the page.

Think of the levels as relating to growing up. 
When you are a little baby your only motivations are food and sleep. (RED) 
As you become a toddler your motivations are to feel safe and loved. (ORANGE) 
As a teenager you want to be accepted by your peers and you might start to have feelings of intimacy for others. (YELLOW) 
As a young adult you are career driven and want to achieve things for yourself. (GREEN) 
As a middle aged person (and possibly a parent) you start to concern yourself with the bigger picture the world and how you might have an impact. (PURPLE)

fig 1

fig 2

fig 3

fig 4

fig 5

fig 6

fig 7

fig 8

fig 9

Task 2: 
Classify the images provided by sticking them next to the appropriate stage according to Maslow.
Explain why you think the images match the motivations for that stage.


Maslow’s upper levels at the top of the pyramid are about self esteem and gaining the respect of others. This can be linked to the idea that consuming particular media texts fulfils self-esteem, as does buying certain products.
In a nutshell Maslow is suggesting that if you buy a new pair of trainers of the right brand as shown to you on in the media, then you will feel better about your self, because you have the respect of other people.

Task 3 (Homework to be submitted on Monday): 
Write a paragraph on the trailer embedded below assessing which stage of Maslow's hierarchy you think the audience for that text is at and why.

Remember to consider primary and secondary audiences.

Year 10 Written task success criteria

Knowledge of the concept of genre/narrative/representation

Awareness of relevant theories

Demonstrates knowledge of the convergent nature of   contemporary media

Use of media terminology/key words

Quality of written communication


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