Monday 25 August 2014

The Media Studies Exam

1. Look at Homework submissions

2. Book distribution.
Write keywords in list at back of book.
Genre. Type of text easily recognisable to audiences.
Target audience. The people at whom the media text is aimed.

Think a bit more about the media you consume on a regular basis. You need to build up a picture of your media habits and consider how they may differ from other people's.

Task 1: Write down in your books what your favourite media texts are.

TV programmes, Magazine / comic/ graphic novel, Radio station or programme, films you have seen recently, advertisement, Computer game.

Task 2: Choose one of your favorites and explore why you like it in more detail.
  • Briefly what your text is
  • Why you like it
  • The target audience and how the text would attract those people. Consider: Age, class, employment.
  • Sum up your chosen text as if you were trying to persuade someone to watch or use it.
  • Compare answers across class.

Examination requirements.

A look at exemplar work.

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