Tuesday 26 August 2014

Textual Investigation 1E

Learning Objective: 
   Consider the use of the rule of thirds by taking a portrait photograph
      Create a plan for my textual investigation.
      Begin work on my textual investigation and receive feedback.

Key Terms:  Layout and design, Rule of thirds, 

Layout and design: The decisions made by the producers of a print text about how the text will be constructed are very important in attracting an audience. The selection and the placing of images, the choice of typography and the use of colour are part of the layout and design, these contribute to the overall appeal of the text.

The rule of thirds is one compositional device that is used by designers.
It dictates the placement of the main focus of layout.
The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.
Proponents of the technique claim that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject.
This is often used in layouts by designers who will want to hold an audience's attention.

Task 1: 
Work in pairs and take two portrait photographs of your partner each. 
One which centralises an image, one which uses the rule of thirds.


Camera shots and angles: These aspects are equally important in a print text as in an audio visual text.
Magazines may choose to present their cover model in a close up or long shot according to the message they want to convey to the reader. For example, a low angle shot of a character on the front cover of a film magazine may make them seem more intimidating or dominant.

Task 2: 
Work in pairs to take a high and a low angle photography portrait of your partner.


Visual codes: Colour, expression, body language and costume all work together in the construction of an image. Be sure to write about these in your textual investigation.

Task 3:
Create a plan for your own textual investigation. A mind map or a structured list is fine.
Use the exemplar essay you were given last week as a guideline.
Work on this if you are waiting for a camera to complete the above tasks.

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