Tuesday 26 August 2014

Toolkit for Analysis 1 Signs, Codes.

  • Learning Objective: To refer to a set of keypoints which will help you to explore specific media texts. To create a moodboard using images that have denotations and connotations of one area.
  • Key words: Toolkit, language, connotations, denotations, code, sign, stereotypes.
It is important during this course that you develop the the skills to investigate any print, audio visual or interactive media text.
To do this you must look at lots of media texts whilst developing your media vocabulary.
This will be your TOOLKIT. 
It will help you to understand the text and to discuss it using the correct media terminology.

Toolkit: The set of key points that you must refer to when you are exploring specific media texts.
Language: The words used in a media text that will give a clue to its genre. For example, the medical words used in the tv programme Casualty.
Connotations: The meanings attached to the sign, the hidden meanings. For example the use of the colour blue in toothpaste ads to suggest freshness and cleanliness.

A sign is something that sends out meanings to an audience.
Consider how the signs below have different meanings depending on where we see them.

Media texts communicate through codes. Visual and technical codes.
Audiences recognise and understand the connotations of the codes in a media text.
Every media text has a range of meanings that will be understood by the audience.

To really understand how images, whether still or moving, are constructed, we
first have to deconstruct them.
To deconstruct images we have to be able to complete denotation and connotation exercises on them.
Denotation involves explaining exactly what the image shows. This is a very factual description.
Connotation is the underlying message.

Task 1:
Choose one of the following:
Representations: Young people, old people, or teenagers.
An emotion: Love, anger, or jealousy.
A film genre: Sci Fi, horror or crime.

With consideration given to stereotypes:
Produce a mood board using layers in Adobe Photoshop flatten the image when complete, save as a jpeg and email it to Mr Ealey.
Include specific images, words or colours that you think are appropriate.

Here are some examples of mood boards:

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