Tuesday 26 August 2014

Textual Investigation 1D

Learning outcome: You will begin to plan and write your Textual Investigation.

Key terms: 

  • Visual codes
  • Language
  • Technical codes
  • Layout and design
You have now chosen a text to write about in your first textual investigation which is to do with genre.

The exam board provide you with titles from which you must choose and include the name of the text you will be investigating.

Here are the titles to choose from:
  • Investigate how genre conventions are used in (your chosen texts)
  • Investigate how far genre conventions are challenged in (your chosen texts)
  • Investigate how far (your chosen texts) conform to genre conventions
Task 1: 
Create a word document named (your name) textual investigation 1.
Save this to a folder in your home area called GCSE media coursework.

Task 2: 
Choose a title from the above list and put it at the top of the document.

These are the texts you have chosen to investigate:

Charlie Kirk: The Walking Dead promotional poster
Albert Moyo: Public Enemies promotional poster
Jayson White: Metro 2033 promotional poster
Kieran Wright: The 100 Club promotional poster
Jordan Daniels: Battlefield 4 promotional poster
Joseph Lewin: Metro Last Light promotional poster
Conor Stirup: Grand Theft Auto V promotional poster
Joseph Groves: COD; Black Ops 3 promotional poster


Approaching a textual investigation. Analysing a text.

Before you can decide if a text has conformed or challenged conventions you need to analyse it.
This why we have spend quite a bit of time choosing an appropriate text with plenty to write about.

Task 3: 
Discuss and take notes about the music magazine cover below; Kerrang.
There is a handout for this so don't copy everything here.

Visual codes:
The colour black and the style of leather clothing suggest glam metal music genre.
Black leather jackets also have connotations of rebellion.
The iconography of tattoos, piercings and make up also reinforces this.
The paper held by the lead singer has the reader's questions on it and links to the sub heading of ' the most controversial band in the universe answer your questions.
This also suggests that readers of the magazine have exclusive access to the band.
The facial expressions of the band are challenging and suggest an attitude. The raised chins convey arrogance.
The mode of address is direct and engages the audience.
the images on the free posters also use a direct mode of address.

Hyperbole is used; the most controversial band in the universe and reinforces the band's representation.
The use of direct quotation encourages the reader to buy the magazine.
There is also subject specific lexis in that the names of the band will only be know to those familiar with the genre.

Technical codes
The eye level camera angle used for the main image of the band involves the audience.

Layout and design
There is a strong central image which also establishes a hierarchy within the band.
The layout of the text is unconventional - the head line is placed at an angle and there is a range of different fonts including a hand written style.
The font style of Kerrang is bold and assertive, this connotes a rebellious, non conformist magazine aimed at young people.

Task 4:
Read the example of a textual investigation that you have been given.

Task 5: 
Plan the structure for your own textual investigation.

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