Tuesday 26 August 2014

21 Film Posters introduction 2

Learning objective: To create a film poster that includes a hierarchy of Proppian characters for a film of your choice.
Key words: Image, protagonist, antagonist, characters, plot.

Role of film posters• 

Posters occupy a space between art and advertising.• 
They have a clear commercial purpose - to promote an event or product - but they also have artistic value.• 
People buy them and hang them on their walls.• 
Museums have whole galleries devoted to poster art.• 
When analysing a poster it is important that you evaluate both how well it fulfils its purpose (ie promotion) as well as its aesthetic value. ("aesthetic value" means their value as artistic creations.)

You see them everywhere. Film posters are prominently displayed on billboards, in the lobby of cinemas, in magazines, on the Internet, and even on the sides of buses. 

But how often do you stop and think about the effects movie posters have on you?

Its important to remember that movie posters are advertisements. 

The goal of a poster essentially is to "sell" the movie—to make you want to see it.
How does it do that?
The poster may have the movie title in a big and bold font. 
Images of the movie's attractive actors are usually featured. In addition, the actors names are probably included somewhere on the poster to remind you that the movie has big-name stars.• 
Designs, colours, and fonts are used to appropriately reflect the mood and tone of the film.• 
The poster probably includes a catchy sentence or slogan that makes the plot seem intriguing.

Catchy sentence or slogan attractive actors names movie.

The visual elements on a movie poster can convey powerful messages. 

The best posters may make you anxiously anticipate an upcoming release.• 
The worst ones may not have a persuasive effect at all.• 
By analyzing movie posters, you can gain a better understanding of the elements that effectively grab the attention of movie-goers and sell the movies story—even before viewers see it for themselves. audience

Types of Poster:• 

Identify which type of poster it is:• 
The Teaser poster -This poster contains basic information to whet your appetite. It often does not indicate much about the plot, but may have a picture of the stars, and the name of the film.• 
The Main Poster:• This contains information about the production personnel, the stars, and the distributors.• 
Blu Ray/DVD Release Poster:• This one comes out when the film is released on DVD/video and often has all of the above plus short, one line reviews from relevant publications. Many of these• 
Character Poster: aspects are• this one features the main character. relevant to• 
Remember that the posters could be a combination of two types. newspaper adverts too, so use the checklist.

Language• •Images of the key settings and the main characters. 

What is the title of the film?•
 What can you say about the way in which the title graphics have been written?• 
Who is starring in the film? Where are the stars’ names placed on the poster? Why?• 
Describe the key images on your poster. Why have they been chosen?• 
Talk about what images are used - stars, setting, colours, symbols, (mise- en-scene).• 
What do they suggest/signify? What other pictures can you see? What is their purpose?• 
What are the most important colours on your poster?• Why do you think these were chosen?• 
What do you think the film will be about?• 
Who is the target audience?

What clues are there to the narrative?

What can you tell about the genre of the film and the types of characters from their facial expression, body language, stance, appearance and position on the poster? • 
What makes you say this? 
What impression do you get of the character/personalities from their expression, clothes, props. • 
Is there an enigma being presented. • 
Is the poster composed of a series of images (montage, lack of perspective) • 
Is the key image a still from the film?

Colours• What colours are used in the posters?• 

Are they relevant to the genre eg horror posters generally use dark strong colours especially black and red to represent death and evil.• 
Romance films tend to employ lighter pastel and warm colours such as pinks, purples and other warm shades.• 
Are the colours on your poster important? Why?• 
What clues do they give about the genre, and how do they attract the target audience?

Consider how the images are laid out.• 

Are they are blended in without any concern for real perspective Layout or size relationships between people and setting.• 
Why do you think they are laid out like that?• 
Do you know what the plot, genre and/or theme of the film is? If so, how?• 
Most posters are Portrait or Landscape in shape. What shape is yours?• 
Describe and discuss the title, font, typeface and graphics on the poster.• What style are they in, where are they positioned etc?  
(mention how improvements in technology have changed production values)

Is there a catch or tagline? • 
What does it tell us about theWritten Text action, genre and attitude within the film? • 
Who do you think is the target audience for the film? • 
How has the poster been made attractive to these people? • 
Discuss the billing/credit block. • 
What information does it include about credits and information? • 
Do we get information about who is in the cast, who directed the film, which company distributes it and promotes it etc? • 
Where is the certificate? • 
What does it indicate about the target audience and the content of the film? • 
Does the poster list a website? If not, why not?

Finally, what is the USP (the USP unique selling point) in each poster? 
What makes it different from other films? 

  • The plot, 
  • stars, 
  • themes, 
  • setting 
  • or characters

Task 1: 
Create a film poster of your own.
You must first rough the poster out using pencil and paper.
You should use your own photographs for the main character images.
Other images can be brought from the Internet and manipulated using Photoshop.

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