Monday 25 August 2014

What is the Media?

  • You will consider statements about media and support your opinion using different examples.
  • Key Terms: Media Text: 
  • This is something that is produced by a media industry, for example a film.
You have chosen to study this subject at GCSE and it is important that you understand what is meant by 'the media'.
A general definition of the media is that it is a way of communicating that reaches a lot of people.
The media can give out messages, inform and entertain a large audience.
Using this definition the media includes:
  • Television
  • Film
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines and comics
  • Radio
  • Music
  • Websites
  • Computer games
  • Advertising

Task 1:
Why is it important to understand the media and what it does? Discuss.

Task 2:
In pairs, discuss each of the following statements about the media. Are they true, false or a combination? Do not give yes or no answers but try to give clear reasons for your response.
Support your opinions using specific examples.

  • The media does not really affect people on a daily basis.
  • The media is mostly used for entertaining people.
  • Some types of media are more popular than others.
  • The media can be used to influence the way people think.
  • What we see and hear in the media is always true.
  • Politicians use the media.
  • The media is not important to stars and celebrities.
  • The media can be very persuasive.
  • The aim of the media is to make money.
In your discussion of the statements you will have perhaps realised that the media is very important and powerful. It is around us everyday and often we are not even aware that it has had an effect on us.
We are all media audiences and as you start to study the subject it is important to consider how you use the media and your own media habits.
You can then compare your own habits with those of others and begin to realise that we all use the media and are affected by it in different ways.

Task 3:
Try to estimate your media consumption.
Fill in the table below for an average month.

Watching a TV programme:
On a television
On another device, eg a laptop.

Reading a magazine
Online version
Print version

Reading a newspaper
Online version
Print version

Listening to the radio

Listening to music

Playing computer games
Format eg Playstation

Going to the cinema

watching films at home

Using the Internet

Using social media eg: twitter or Facebook

Why would someone older than you fill out this table differently?
what do you think would change and why?

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